Have you ever asked yourself if you're "on your true life path?" In the world of healing and spirituality it's one of the most frequently asked questions. We want to make sure we're on the right path, living our soul's purpose! We're afraid our troubles are caused by being on the wrong path. We listen desperately for our spirit guides because they hold the secret to our true life path!
I've been wondering, though, what if we asked ourselves a new question? What if we assume we ARE on the right path? Because what other path is there? If you're already on it, how could it not be your path?
What would it be like to simply wake up and notice exactly where you are? And ask yourself a new question: "How do I feel about where I am?"
Do I feel critical about where I find myself in this now moment?
Could I embrace it instead? Give myself grace for my reasons for having arrived here?
What step would I take next to feel even better?
Am I going to veer off in a new direction?
Or do I feel pretty great right now?
What step would I take to keep feeling this good?
Lately when I hear True Life Path, all I can think of is Siri commanding me to RETURN TO THE ROUTE and getting snippy if I dare to talk back. (Or an earlier British GPS gal who was always "recalulating" in a pissed off voice if I missed the turn!)
Sometimes I feel like we're almost bullying ourselves into finding that magical,elusive TRUE LIFE PATH.
What if it's all ok? What if we choose to make it all ok:
Just for this moment what if we let ourselves off the hook for whatever mistakes we think we made to end up here. Just for this moment what if we notice if we are blaming any person or circumstance. Just for this moment what if we put all that in the past, and take back our power to choose how we will move forward?
What if we define our true life path as every moment we love and acknowledge ourselves for being exactly who we are?
